Satisfaction Guarantee/Returns/Liability

We want you to Love your Skincare products...

At 7 Day Glow we want you to love your Skincare products. For this reason, 7 Day Glow has implemented a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.  Here's how it works...
  • For a cash refund of a product you are not satisfied with simply return the product within 30 days of purchase.
  • After 30 days, we will give a coupon of equal value to the product you've returned so that you can try a different product that may work better for you. Cash refunds are not available after 30 days.
  • If the product arrives broken, damaged, incorrectly labeled, or is defective in any way please email a photo to us at to receive a replacement.
  • 7 Day Glow LLC does not accept liability for damage to hot tubs, sinks, skincare tools, electric brushes, pillowcases, clothing, fabrics, etc. It is the buyers responsibility to understand the limitations of their equipment and to take responsibility for safe use of our products.
  • It is the buyers responsibility to understand that oil based skin care involves oil, which can leave marks on fabric if care if not taken to avoid transfer or in the daily use of oil. 7 Day Glow does not accept liability for damage to fabrics including clothing, bedding, towels, washcloths, furniture, etc. as a result of the user touching, spilling, laying on, or transferring oil in any way.
  • 7 Day Glow LLC does not accept liability for skin reactions, redness, etc. While we recognize allergies do occur and are possible with all products, it is the buyer's responsibility to know what they are allergic to and to read our product labels to ensure the products purchased are compatible to their allergies. All ingredients are listed on the product pages of our websites.
  • 7 Day Glow LLC does not accept liability for the results of products that are not used properly/according to directions.
  • 7 Day Glow LLC does not accept liability for injuries occurred in the process of opening a box. Occasionally a shipper will damage a box and glass will break. Open all packages with care, watch for broken glass or items. 
  • 7 Day Glow LLC products are designed to be used with other 7 Day Glow products and are designed to be compatible with each other. 7 Day Glow LLC does not accept liability for the results when the Buyer mixes 7 Day Glow products with products from other companies or ingredients (for example adding essential oils to 7 Day Glow products or layering 7 Day Glow products with products from other companies).